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Welcome to Ed Keenan's Website
He is an avid “birder” (bird watcher) and outdoorsman and his poetic expressions capture the imagery of the woods and the subtleties of nature in a personal way. Blending his life-long experiences with an earthy philosophy he invites the reader to experience his appreciation for the outdoors and to evaluate nature in a uniquely different way.His most recent book, "BardSongs and Seasons", is published and distributed by Ingram/Lightning Source. "BardSongs
and Seasons" is a collection of narrative verse. As the subtitle
says: "inspired by nature. . .hitched to the universe." Ed Keenan is also the author of “Cow Chip Poetry--Lies, Lingo & Lore.” These cowboy poems and stories are laced with real cowboy humor, and filled with a reality and drama and extremes that only the desert can provide. He has obviously been over the trail of which he writes. He is adding sixteen more poems to the second edition of the book, along with some cowboy recipes.
‘Ol Gabby, the chuck wagon cook, is identified with his cowboy poetry,
so it seems natural to list some of his recipes on the “Chuck-wagon
Recipes” page. Included are a number of Dutch oven recipes, since that
and the skillet were “Ol Gabby’s” favorite cooking utensils.
“Rattlesnake Soup” is not only a recipe of his, but also one of the
cowboy poems. |
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