Ed Keenan, cowboy poet

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Reader Reviews of
Cow Chip Poetry

The Meridian Star
   Meridian, Mississippi---

Joys of Outdoor Writing and Writers
By Otha Barham / outdoors editor

One neat thing about spending most of your time fussing over words, trying to turn a meaningful or inspiring phrase, is getting acquainted with other writers. I suppose it is so with other passions, like when an archaeologist meets a stranger who also is addicted to searching for ancient artifacts, or when two horse lovers find each other at a boring business meeting.

A commonality emerges almost instantly between writers, an important element of which is their mutual acknowledgment of the shroud of ambivalence that encompasses their hours at the desk struggling with whether to say it this way or that.

Too, I always value a writer’s take on the widely held view that writers do not work, and therefore should forsake their stalling and go out and get a real job. I prefer writers who chuckle at this familiar inference over those who fret about it. Even though Hemingway answered an interviewer who asked what was the most difficult part of writing by noting that it was getting the words right, his answer shed little light on how difficult it sometimes is to do.

It is great fun to get to know writers from entirely different backgrounds than your own. One such acquaintance of mine is a poet who was raised on a ranch in southern California. His mother was Mexican American and his father of Irish heritage. Their home community of Dulzura lies a short cow chip throw from the Mexican border.

Besides Ed Keenan’s side-splitting lines, I am attracted to the fact that he is a real honest to goodness cowboy. Readers may know that becoming a cowboy was an early ambition of mine but that it was not to be, because, as I explained in my book, no cowboy on earth is named Otha or any name that doesn’t have three letters or less or consists of only one syllable. Because I also dreamed in my youth of being a writer, this California poet/cowboy is just about my perfect hero.

Ed’s writes poetry I can understand in his book, “Cow Chip Poetry —Lies, Lingo an‚ Lore.” The book contains an extensive glossary of cowboy lingo.


“Well Ed… I can grasp the hot and dry, the value of a post hole, tequila, wiry horses, good vaqueros, cascabelles, wind, sand, dust and little desert mountains.

I liked “My Hometown,” “Barb Wire Fences,” and my favorite, “A Different Knot.” “…Anyway, I enjoyed it very much…you spoke right to me with some of your writing.”

Baxter Black, Head Cowboy
Coyote Cowboy Company
Benson, AZ


“I was given this book as a gift and, though I've never been a fan of cowboys or their poetry, I've thoroughly enjoyed it!  Facing health problems has been tough and very depressing.  It's surprising how beneficial a little laughter has been.

I've appreciated that I can enjoy a fully developed story, though in a short setting, and experience the benefits all day.  They've raised my spirits on several occasions and given me a good chuckle.

Kudos, to Ed Keenan, for spinning a clever cowboy tale that's good for the soul.  Hope there's a Cow Chip Poetry II!”

- J. Mireles,

Vista, CA


If you like Gail Gardner’s, “Sierry Pines” (Tying Knots in the Devil’s Tail) or Wallace McCrae’s “Reincarnation” or “The Classic Rhymes of Bruce Kiskaddon,” you’ll fall in love with this book!” And “If you are looking for a dictionary of some authentic cowboy lingo, this is a great read.”

Kat, Country Feed Store
Vista, CA


Re: “Cow Chip Poetry---”

Howdy Ed Keenan,
“Growing up cowboying as well, in the north central and south central mountains of Colorado, I found alot of similarities! Cowboys are cowboy!

I did find it interesting reading about your experiences around vaqueros, south CA and that life. While similar in alot of ways, the differences were also obvious. Bev and I really enjoyed your book, Ed, and hope it does well all over the country. You sparked a bunch of memories . . . Thanks!”

Doug and Bev Lynch
Kalispell, Montana


Dear Ed:

A friend of mine's home burned down leaving his family in emotional devastation. I quoted a little of Ed's 'Cowchip' Humor: 'May all your cowchips have a greener lining' - it was the first time I saw my friend smile after the fire - thanks Ed for feeding me the words to keep my buddies looking forward to what they do have - not what they lost.

Lisa Smith, Julian CA


Cow Chip Poetry-Lies, Lingo an Lore
By Theresa Gallager - Valley Roadrunner Newspaper

[In his book, Cow Chip Poetry, Lies, Lingo an Lore], “Ed Keenan mainly writes about the Gringo cowboy, emphasizing the life and lore of the southwest, capturing verbally the desert details of cowhand and rancher.

  There is plenty of humor and talk that recall the history of the west, such as “A Different Knot and Fghtin’ The Weather.” …I expect we’ll be hearing a lot more of Ed Keenan.”


Cow Chip Poetry - Lies, Lingo 'an Lore
 By Nancy J. Reid - Co-Editor of Southwest Blend Magazine

A down-home, like-it-was, collection of poems written by Cowboy Poet, Ed Keenan, portrays the Southwest USA in his new book, with realism and the humor like that of an old cowboy.

They say the "grass is always greener on the other side, or perhaps in cowboy lingo, "the grass grows greener around a cow chip." The fascination of the old west lifestyle still lives in the hearts of many Americans and "Westerns" are still popular on TV, no matter the age of the viewer. After all, it is our heritage and our culture— and no matter what other countries feel, it is just as interesting and exciting as any other culture.

Author Ed Keenan has successfully captured the lure of the old west, the romanticism of the cowboys, the starry nights on the lonesome prairie, and the head em up, move em out drama of herding cattle.

Cow Chip Poetry is a fine blend of history and poetry, humor and nostalgia.


Dear Ed:

“Thanks again for the book of poems. It is a remarkable little volume, and I really enjoyed reading it. A couple of my favorites among the poems were “No Place To Hide” and “Old Barns.” . . . I hope you are in contact with other good cowboy poets. If you get involved in a festival we would really enjoy hearing about it.”

Bill Ritchey,
Palm Desert, CA



“What a wonderful book you’ve written! I’m about half way through, and enjoying every minute. The Glossary is a riot. Many thanks.”


Chan Billeter
Vista, CA


Re: Cow Chip Poetry

Being a Greenhorn, I appreciated the extensive glossary, which rescued me as I wandered through your writings and musing.  I discovered that he has an easygoing manner that invites you to just "hang around awhile" and enjoy the Cowboy's way of life. 

"Happy Trails" Ed. May all your sunrises bring a promise of life, and your sunsets reflect the satisfaction of a job well done.

Jim Simpson
San Diego, CA

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