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Living in today’s overpopulated and paved-over world—with all its rules, regulations, and restrictions corralling us like chain-link fences—we envy and desire the freedom of a bird, the wide-open spaces, the freshness of mountain air and we want it for ourselves. But, what does one learn when hiking a lovely trail that passes over a stream, a pond or marsh, and we observe old tires, plastic water bottles, pop-top cans and Styrofoam junk, floating and decaying in the fresh water? I have this idealistic idea that if you share with people your interest and appreciation of nature and wildlife, they will recognize its importance in our lives and maybe want to protect it. So, that is one reason for wanting to share and pass on a few thoughts and places of enjoyment in the woods. Hearing that raucous bird squawking insistently at a squirrel, or seeing the beauty of an extraordinary flower, or noticing the difference of one pine cone over another, or hearing a refreshing brook, all these are all part of enjoying nature. Sometimes reading the experience and perspective of others increases our appreciation and enjoyment of our natural environment. It may even stir us to take up a pastime like birding or butterflying (bird and butterfly watching). This naturally leads to knowing host plants and food sources and soon we are absorbed in the intricate patterns and marvels of nature. This sort of environmental awareness helps us to see our place in the larger scheme of things, and to extract from nature many life lessons, like a kinship with creation.
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