Ed Keenan, cowboy poet

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Legend & Lore
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MinersBurroThe southwest has always attracted the adventurous sort. From settlers to prospectors, traders and cowboys and the loose gun on the run, each has left their indelible mark on the history of the southwest.

Add, the fabled lost bonanzas and treasures of gold and precious stones, the mines and mountains and mysteries of the searing desert, the wonder of the desert cowboy and ghost towns and cow-towns, they all weave a history of fact and folklore that still excites the imagination.

Some stories seem naturally worth repeating, sometimes as poetry, especially if they can be freshened up with a new perspective or little-known fact. Like gold, the tale is where you find it. Whether it is well known or not, each has its own fascination that keeps the regional story alive. So, here are some historical vignettes of southwest legends and lore that are worth telling to the next generation. Check in quarterly for another fascinating yarn of fact and fable of the old southwest.

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